Department of Medical Genetics biliev that genetics has always been at the forefront of biological research and in the 21st century will continue to be a central agent of discovery, tries to present itself as one of the recognized centers from the scientific, research and diagnostic point of view in the region.

This department was begun its activity since 1368 as part of the Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Department. In June 2011 it was recognized as an independent department.   

  Since the establishment of this department, it has a range of scientific, research and clinical activities such as:

1-      Theoretical and practical training of general medicine and MSc students 

2-      Conducting research projects proposed by faculty members of this department

3-      Cooperating and providing genetic services in affiliated hospitals

Now, this department enjoys seven faculty members. Currently, We are equipping central laboratory and research center. Also They want to establish  Phd of interdisciplinary and relevant fields.