To provide proper facilities in the line with the education and research relevant to the basic and clinical sciences as well as the scientific promotion of theoretical and practical knowledge of the students in different courses of the medical sciences fields following the lesson plans set by the ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education. 


To obtain a scientific top degree among the departments of the basic sciences of the country and to introduce the Department of Physiology of Tabriz as one of the best regional and national research center in the field of  the exercise, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous physiology.
 Goals of the department:
-Structural and Management Goals: Improve and beneficial use of university equipments and laboratories of group 
-Educational Goals: Admission of under graduate and postgraduate students and national/international researchers 

-Research Goals 
Goal 1: To carry out the research based on the research priorities of the country and health needs of the community in the fields relevant to the basic sciences

Goal 2: To match and make the research work of the basic sciences more related to the clinical research

Goal 3: To cooperate in research area and the exchange of knowledge with the national and international research and scientific communities. It can be noted in the following items:

-          conduction joint research projects

-          sending the academic staff to the sabbatical leave

-          invitation outstanding national and international professors and researchers

-          Membership in national and international scientific associations

Goal 4: To make an attempt to be awarded the national and international research grants

Goal 5: To expand and update the research work done in the physiology:

-          To promote the research work pertaining to the respiratory physiology with an emphasis on cellular and molecular aspects

-          To expand and update the research in the field of exercise physiology with cooperation with physical education

-          To expand and promote the research related to the molecular biology in cooperation with the departments of biochemistry, immunology and  faculty of Advanced medical sciences 

-          To promote the research areas relevant to the physiology of nerves and muscle

-          To promote the research areas relevant to the cardiovascular

Goal 6: To form scientific and specialized teams in order to lead the research activities, increase the number of scientific papers and expand meaningful applied research work for promotion of quality and quantity, and to set up specialized laboratories for the future needs

Goal 7: To provide proper facilities parallel with the research work and introduce the physiology department of Tabriz as one of the leading research center in the field of respiratory, nerves, exercise, and cardiovascular physiology