Physiology is a branch of biology which deals with the mechanism of life.  Therefore, dynamism is in its core.  In other words it studies living organism in action.  Among other aspects of this branch of science is its diversity and variety of study issues.  Every mechanism, from delicate events occurring inside the cells to gross activities that an animal performs in its daily life is dealt with in detail.  As a basic medical science, its contribution to clinical sciences is undeniable.  Indeed, some of the most valuable advances in clinical procedures are based on pure laboratory work, including physiology, whose applications could not be foreseen.
Historical Overview
The foundation of the Physiology Department goes back to 1947. The very first physiologist having founded our department and teached physiology was Professor F. Platner, a German physiologist. Later on, the professors, namely, Dr Shamsnia, Dr Salimi Khaligh, Dr Saeed Khamnei, Dr. Mustafa Mohammadi and Dr Keyhanmanesh chaired the department. At present, Dr Mohammad Reza Alipour is heading the Department.
This department enjoys 9 academic staff (8 full-time and one consultant) teaching students at different levels of medicine field. Currently, 12 PhD and 11 M.Sc. students in the field of physiology are studying and researching in our department. Besides the postgraduate programs, the medical physiology is presented to the professional doctorate students in medicine, dentistry, and pharmacology by this department. Accordingly, physiology is taught theoretically and practically for PhD, M.Sc. and BSc of basic, medical and paramedical students.