Welcome to the Tabriz  University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Library.

The libraries, research organizations, and all interested parties may contact us by emailing us at medlib@tbzmed.ac.ir or they may telefax us at: (98)- 413- 3364658




The Library of the Medical Faculty, was founded in 1974 (1326) with 1768 book.  At the beginning (1971 (1350)), there were central library attached to the library of faculty. By the year (2000) 1379, both of the libraries worked in a shared environment with an integrate set of collection but separate financial affairs. It was set up in the present building in 2004 (1383). Following to the formation of new medicine faculty building, library moved to a new location in the area of ​​253 m2 for storage of books and 276 m2 for study hall. It was located in the second floor of current building in the area of 358 m2of faculty from October 2004 (Mehr 1383). For optimal library use, study hall and stack separated from each other in 2013 (1392). Currently it has capacity of 140 people in a relaxed atmosphere.

Library collection

The library provides access to information in support of the patient care, education and research. It consists of 3092 Latin books, 3124 Persian books. According to the policy of library, old outdated books were weeding annually and new versions will be replaced.


This is the richest and unique part of research collection of university. Currently, total number of theses includes 7435 titles, which 7288 title is Persian and 147 titles is Latin. These theses are in GP, Specalty, subspecialty and master sections.

Compact Discs

This part consists of 480 titles of CD which were given to clients. 


List of purchased educational CDs in February 2014



Adams & Victor’s Principles of Neurology

Atlas of gastroenterology , 4th ed

Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking

Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology, 2nd ed., v.2

Berne & Levy physiology,6th ed


Braunwald's Heart Disease

Campbell-Walsh urology, 10th ed

Clinical Neurology

Clinician's pocket drug refrence

Color atlas of clinical orthopedics

Color atlas of physiology

Comparative Anatomy and Histology

Current procedures : surgery

Cytology : diagnostic principles and clinical correlates

Diagnostic nuclear medicine

Diagnostic ultrasound , 4th ed

Drugs and the liver : a guide to drug handling in liver dysfunction

Emergency medicine : a comprehensive study guide , 6th ed

Encyclopedia of parasitology

Essential clinical anatomy , 4th ed

Evidence-based nephrology

Ferri’s clinical advisor : instant diagnosis and treatment

Genetic instabilities and neurological diseases

Genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics in nutraceuticals and functional foods

Grant’s dissector

Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology , 11th ed

Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry

Hematology : basic principles and practice

Hematopathology : morphology, immunophenotype, cytogenetics, and molecular approaches

Human Anatomy, 6th ed

Hurst's The Heart

Inherited metabolic diseases : a clinical approach

Integrative psychiatry

Intraoperative clinical neurophysiology : a comprehensive guide to monitoring and mapping

Islam and healing : loss and recovery of an Indo-Muslim medical tradition, 1600-1900

Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology

Lehninger principles of biochemistry, 5th ed

Lennette's laboratory diagnosis of viral infections, 4th ed

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s principles and practice of infectious diseases , 7th ed.

McGraw-Hill manual. Endocrine surgery

Medical terminology systems : a body systems approach

Merritt’s neurology

Miller’s anesthesia, 7th ed

Nelson essentials of pediatrics

Nelson textbook of pediatrics

Neurology in Clinical Practice, 5th ed.

Nuclear Medicine Technology: Procedures and Quick Reference

Oral medicine and pathology at a glance

Oral microbiology at a glance

Otologic surgery

Oxford textbook of medicine

Pocket companion to Brenner & Rector’s the kidney

Principles of human anatomy

Review of medical physiology, 22 th ed

Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disea, 8th ed

Rockwood and Green’s fractures in adults, 7th ed

Rohen's Photographic Anatomy Flash Cards

Rook's Textbook of dermatology

Rosen’s emergency medicine : concepts and clinical practice

Sleisenger and Fordtran’s gastrointestinal and liver disease : pathophysiology, diagnosis, management

Stem cells for Dummies

Textbook of pediatric emergency medicine

The forensic laboratory handbook : procedures and practice , 2nd ed

The Gale encyclopedia of genetic disorders

The only EKG book you’ll ever need , 5th ed

The physiological origins of heart sounds and murmurs


The toxicologist’s pocket handbook

The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine

Therapeutic guidelines in systemic fungal infections

Tietz fundamentals of clinical chemistry

Tietz textbook of clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics

Understanding fluorescein angiography = Fluoreszeinangiografie verstehen = Entendiendo angiografia con fluoresceina

Zollinger’s atlas of surgical operations, 9th ed