Tabriz medical faculty was established as second medical faculty in Iran and the first faculty in Tabriz university in the year 1947. Throughout the establishment of other faculties and Tabriz university development and in parallel with the formation of health ministry, medical faculty was separated from Tabriz university and began to act as an independent faculty in terms of educational, Research and medical fields. This separation was occurred based on bill number 1364/5/9 at Iran Islamic parliament and resulted on the formation of Tabriz university of Medical Sciences
At the present moment the faculty possesses an area of about 12415 square meters. Which gives space to 333 academic staffs. Of about 77 professors are participating in 7 department of Basic Sciences and the other 256 professors are belong to 17 clinical departments. All the educational activities of clinical departments have been carried out in 8 educational and medical centers around the city which are orbited to the faculty.
The total number of residents is 300 students ,1050 of general medicine students,20 students of PhD level and 34 students are studying in MSc degree. Presently, the developing edifice of faculty has 4 floors and has 2 seperated entrance.
Generally the faculty includes ground floor – Electronic Research and Education Center, Bassij, Specialty and Subspecialty Vice –Chancellor, Shahidshayanmehr Gathering Hall
1St floor - classes number 2,3,4,5
2StFloor – education office, library, class I, Audiovisual center, financial Vice – Chancellor dean of faculty and department at Microbiology
3th floor – Departments of Biochemistry and Parasitology
4th floor – research vice- chancellor and departments of Anatomy and social Medicine.
Students and faculty members can also use a medical – oriented library which is compromised of 2092 Persian books, 4467 books in other languages, 235 Persian journals, 94 foreign journals, 85 educational CDs, 4325 Persian Thesis, 31 English thesis and 77 research plans.
The library is available all the day