Missions and Objectives

      Immunology department is involved in teaching Medical Immunology to the students of Medicine, paramedical Sciences, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing and Midwifery, and also teach Immunological Methods to M.Sc. and Ph.D. students of several specialties from all faculties and educational groups. Immunity against viruses, bacteria and parasites is also teached to related students. Dentistry assistants in different specialties are other students educated in this group.

       At present, this department offers M.Sc. degree in Medical Immunology. Additionally, Ph.D. students in this specialty (as by-course and by-research) will be accepted in this group in the near future. Immunology Department shares joint research projects with London (LSHTM) and Leeds Universities and World Health Organization ( WHO) in field of immune responses against visceral leishmaniasis.